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Hi! I am playing and streaming top-50 overall games today/tomorrow (starting September 12th at 16:00 UTC and likely for 4-5 hours minimum):

I'll play your game anyway, but it will be nice to have you on stream:) If you plan to join the stream, please let me know and I will wait for you to actually join before playing your game (let me know when you join in the stream chat). If you can't make it to this stream, but still would like to see your game being played live - let me know as well and I'll postpone your game till the next stream.

Keep in mind though that I am typically quite honest and if you join the stream be prepared to hear what I actually think about the game, which might quite disagree with the rankings.

This was a great game and experience. It felt very polished and handled well. Loved it to the point I actually didn't notice the last room's door open for a while. Things got crazy haha. Good job!

This is insane dude! 

duuuude this is so awesome everything is so polished and perfect.


Here's my little essay on this masterpiece.

1. Game Design. The levels look really cool, the controls are perfect, and the game feels better and better the more you play it! 5/5

2.Fun. It was very exciting to avoid all the enemies and crush them to dust with those beautiful dashes! 5/5

3. Innovation. The dashes attack and moving was something very unusual and new to me. 4/5

4. Theme. The battles in the final level get absolutely insane and chaotic, to a point where it felt like I was just bathing in bullets and crunchy enemies. 5/5

5. Graphics. One of the best pixelart I've seen. The backgrounds are beautiful. The enemies are badass. And a magnificent main meny. 6/5

6. Audio. Good sound effects, the music fits well. 4/5

This is the ULTIMATELY BEST GAME I've played so far. Definitely will be playing all the future versions.

awsome game